Get Knowledge..

Hello Lovelies..

Happy Weekend..
A lot of people are Frustrated, Afraid and just uninterested in Having relationships anymore because of the drama and the many Selfish people out there.. 🤔

I was once in this boat too so I feel your concerns and share your reservations too.

The truth is, We don’t really know if we will get as much as we’re giving in return.
We’re unsure if they will reciprocate our emotional investment.
We are not even certain if they will understand the sacrifices we are willing to make…

I have been betrayed, lied upon, taken for granted and cheated upon.
I have even been dumped (replaced) without notice and she was still calling me Babe 😏

So, for those of you who come under my post and tell me I haven’t had bad experiences from females, if I tell you some of my stories, you will swallow your opinion…..

I will be sharing a few of the Knowledge that helped me break free from that trap of totally staying off relationship.

The Problem is Not Relationship, but the People or persons involved.
I’ve been in several relationships before I Met my Wife and those relationships taught me lessons I can never forget.
Here are some helpful habits you need to keep you going;

  • Never let Bad experiences turn you into a Bad Person;-
    This is a habit I started grooming myself into mastery after my first heartbreak.
    You see, Being a good person doesn’t make you immune to heartbreak or being betrayed.
    The selfish nature in human will always show itself regardless of how much good you show them.

But make up your mind to never allow what someone does to you change your good heart because that Good heart of yours will eventually lead you to the right person who would make you smile for all the hurt you’ve been through.

  • Have A Mentor, Someone who is Mature and knowledgeable on Marital/Relationship Matters.
    The average single have so much faith in their opinion and the opinions of others who are also unmarried… How do you cope?🤷
    How can you meet someone who is in the same shoes as you to give you advise on how to transit to the next level they themselves have not been able to cross? 🤔

I have several Married Mentors I liaised with on a constant.
So they were able to provide guidance when I needed it. So Get a Mentor.. But you need Humility to be able to work with a mentor. 😏


  • Get Knowledge.
    Attend Marriage and relationship seminars.. Go for workshops and read Books.
    If you belong to a group that talks about relationships, marriage and dating, it means you are looking for answers and want to learn..unless you’re just having fun and not ready to be serious with your life.
    How long do you think Fun will last?! Afterwards, what next?! 🤷

There are things you don’t know now, but someone else knows and that person has packaged that knowledge in a book, so that more people can gain from it.

But PRIDE + IGNORANCE has kept you in a disillusioned state where you tell yourself that you don’t need books to know!..


You can never be half as informed, exposed or knowledgeable as someone who reads.. #Fact.
Readers are Leaders And always ahead of someone who do not read.

Don’t compare our parents with today’s people.. Our parents weren’t exposed to what we’re exposed to today and there is a term called; Generational evolution; simply means Changes… Our parents stayed regardless, but today’s generation can’t differentiate between Submission & Slavery.. and they don’t even wanna ask questions either…😏

If books are not as important as you claim, why do people advance to studying Masters?
Why do people need professional courses to apply for a promotion in their offices or a new position?
If you say books can’t teach you about relationship and how to do marriage well, You are IGNORANT, because na still that book you go read for school😏 (eventually, you can’t escape reading books..)

A good Relationship isn’t trial and error. It doesn’t just happen.
A good marriage is hard work and 90% of the work is the application of KNOWLEDGE acquired over time.
Only a fool waits until war to start learning how to use a gun in the battle field.

-Train hard and bleed in the training ring, so that when you’re at the exhibition ring, you wont bleed as much.
Mohammed Ali

So my Friends, here are some knowledge for you.
Digest and if you have questions, I’ll be in the comment section.. 🙂

©Peter CovenantChild Speaks2020™

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